Monday, May 27, 2013

Research that benefits children and families

If I had the funds to complete a full research project I would do it over ADD/ADHD in children and their families. My son has ADD/ADHD and ODD and even at 17 his is more severe. There are so many medications that claim to fix the problem but add other problems such as severe mood swings like depression and anger. Because of this i have taken him off all medications and we just deal with the disability itself on a minute to minute basis. I think this would help the children and the families better advocate for their child. This type of disability does not just effect the child, it effects everyone in the family and school. I also believe that it is hereditary because I have it and other family members have it down the blood line.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for educating me on how ADHD affects the whole family. All teachers should have to attend workshops on how to help students and their families that have ADD/ADHD.
